After a short brake

30 Jun 2013

The issue of the day: template classes, Class loading is still impossible to implement.
So, in my previous post I’ve listed some problems. One of them is Class class getter, which currently prevents lots of the java classes to work. The actual problem is in ‘ldc’ instructions. It’s purpose is to push some constant to stack, but when the type of constant is ‘class ref (class name)’, then jvm should push a ref to the Class object, bounded to the given class. But since java 1.5, java Classes are bound to the objects using Generics, and it is not currently supported at all. It needs to be implemented to allow the whole jvm to work.

So, I decided to temporary throw away all the java classes and dependencies, to test the basic things. I’ve made Object class to not depend on anything else, and wrote some test code in it. Here is my test class:

package java.lang;

public class Object {

     private native void someNativeFunction();
     private native int someAdder(int a, int b);
     static private native void logInteger(int a);

     Object() {


     static int function() {
          return 42;

     void sayHello() {

     public static void main() {
          Object obj = new Object();
          int result = obj.someAdder(function(), 13);

It is using native functions to do the debug output, as we can’t use those of java. And the output is:

; java/jvm -d java/lang/Object
loadlinkgs size 80
count = 1 + 0
load class java/lang/Object
Switching class java/lang/Object state to NEW
Switching class java/lang/Object state to RESOLVE
someNativeFunction: static method
Getmethod of java/lang/Object: someNativeFunction, ()V, 262402
Mangled native name: someNativeFunction_V
someNativeFunction: private method
someAdder: static method
Getmethod of java/lang/Object: someAdder, (II)I, 262402
Mangled native name: someAdder_I_I_I
someAdder: private method
logInteger: static method
Getmethod of java/lang/Object: logInteger, (I)V, 327946
Mangled native name: logInteger_I_V
logInteger: static method
Getmethod of java/lang/Object: <init>, ()V, 1310720
function: static method
Getmethod of java/lang/Object: function, ()I, 8
function: static method
sayHello: new method
main: static method
Getmethod of java/lang/Object: main, ()V, 9
main: static method
Getmethod of java/lang/Object: <clone>, ()V, 8
Getmethod of java/lang/Object: <init>, ()V, 262144
Makevmtable for java/lang/Object, 1
Getmethod of java/lang/Object: sayHello, ()V, 0
reloc java/lang/Object
relocate(java/lang/Object) enter
java/lang/Object data 32 reloc 32
    0 bytes at 64
    33 instrs
link 0 pc 0 tdesc 1 name <init>()V
link 1 pc 1 tdesc 2 name function()I
link 2 pc 3 tdesc 3 name sayHello()V
link 3 pc 7 tdesc 4 name main()V
link 4 pc 29 tdesc 5 name <clone>()V
relocate(java/lang/Object) exit
modpatch java/lang/Object
compile java/lang/Object
compile native java/lang/Object
Switching class java/lang/Object state to INITED
loader() exit
Some native function called
Adder is doing it's work! 42 13
Log integer: 55
count = 0 + 0

I have also extended this test case to check all the things I can for now, like static/private/public fields and functions, inner classes, object creation, basic arithmetic and pointers. Everything works.

The next step will be to try and load Class class. We only need to throw out all the dependencies for better debugging.

Worked on files: - java/pkg/java/lang/ Object class source - java/pkd/java/lang/Object_L.b: Object class native module - java/appl/java/classloader.b: Classloader module